Summer Blog

I am trying something different this summer....i thought it would be easier to just do a separate blog for our family summer fun and than when school starts up i can send this blog to the printers and have our summer scrapbook all put together! Sooo, it may be boring to my fellow blogger friends, but it is primarily just a scrapbook in the making for our family! My Living In Oblivion blog will go back to primarily just being my life and I will be cancelling our Easysite, which is the family blogger and switching over to a blogger on here for our family adventures, that will be the Tag Along blog. I am also almost finished with a blog for Jorden, so anyone that wants to keep up with our soldier can do so quickly and easily!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No Cursing This Time!

I would seriously tent camp more often if upon returning home i did NOT have to singlehandedly do the work of 50 China Men!  Ed just stuffs the tent back into the bag and what doesn't fit is thrown in the back of the truck, in ice chests, yeah, get the picture?  I find the tent and all the pieces that make the tent once we get home and somehow get the frickin' thing back into the bag it literally jumped out of!  Today was no, humid, bugs....yep, no different than any other time, except today i kept all my curses to the Chinese INSIDE my head!  First time EVER to not say a potty word while putting the tent back in the bag!  I was soooo proud of myself!  Than i went in the garage and opened the ice chest to see if i needed to clean it.....oh boy, a curser almost came flyin' out!!!  But it didn't.....i angerly pulled out the giant red canopy for our tent and drug it out to the backyard along with the tent bag that was already bustin' at the seams....I laid it all out, Jasper, Leah. and the bugs weren't much help, but i got it folded just right, unzipped the bag keeping the tent from jumping out at me, smashed in the canopy and actually got it zipped closed without letting one curser fly thru the air or escape out of my gritted teeth!!!  I do think there was atleast one grasshopper fighting for his life in the bag......but, oh well.  The tent is packed away until next time and i didn't cheat and throw the tent away and go buy a new one.....yes, guilty of doing that before, but Okinawa weather can sometimes make things a bit difficult..... 

Thinking I had it all done....NOT!

Jasper was no help, unless you want slobber and fur rolled up in the canopy!

No help from Leah either, she just howled at me....

Could not believe i now had to stuff this red thing into the bag!!!

The bugs showed no mercy, i am sure some were crying to be let out when all was said and done!

All said and done! (without the curse words!)

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