Summer Blog

I am trying something different this summer....i thought it would be easier to just do a separate blog for our family summer fun and than when school starts up i can send this blog to the printers and have our summer scrapbook all put together! Sooo, it may be boring to my fellow blogger friends, but it is primarily just a scrapbook in the making for our family! My Living In Oblivion blog will go back to primarily just being my life and I will be cancelling our Easysite, which is the family blogger and switching over to a blogger on here for our family adventures, that will be the Tag Along blog. I am also almost finished with a blog for Jorden, so anyone that wants to keep up with our soldier can do so quickly and easily!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Not On Summer Break Yet....

The kids are enjoying no school....however i still have a week left since i am with the Department of Defense Schools on base....First day of kids being left alone i came home to literally Ty flying over the couch, i was opening the front door as Ty's back foot was leaving the top of the couch and he was now flying thru the air in front of me with Ryan in hot pursuit.  Not even a 'Hi Mom', just boys flying down the hall and the bathroom door slamming!  I heard some unintelligable chatter, door opens, screaming, shrieks, laughter, door slams, Ryan comes back down hall all wet mumbeling curses to Ty, not real curse words, Ryan literally uses the word 'curses' when he is cursing you!  I asked Ryan if Ty had spit on him.  He said no, that Ty had sprayed him!  Uhg.....did not even want to know if it was the shower sprayer or the watter bottle i use to stick their hair down....from Ryan's shirt, it was hard to tell....Than Ryan was back down the hall hollering, "You cant hide in there forever Ty!"  I quickly assesed the rest of our dwelling and all was in order, nothing broken and the house was actually clean!  Kids had all done their chores.  Vicki had been calmly chit chatting with friends on Facebook thru it all without ever even looking up.  I asked her if she had been watching the boys.  She said, "Yes Mom, i know when i have to check on them, i can tell by their voices if there will be blood spilled and they are really going to hurt each other and if it is really quiet than i need to go see what they are planning."  Yep, she knows them well and the house and kids just might survive my last 4 days of school!

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