Summer Blog

I am trying something different this summer....i thought it would be easier to just do a separate blog for our family summer fun and than when school starts up i can send this blog to the printers and have our summer scrapbook all put together! Sooo, it may be boring to my fellow blogger friends, but it is primarily just a scrapbook in the making for our family! My Living In Oblivion blog will go back to primarily just being my life and I will be cancelling our Easysite, which is the family blogger and switching over to a blogger on here for our family adventures, that will be the Tag Along blog. I am also almost finished with a blog for Jorden, so anyone that wants to keep up with our soldier can do so quickly and easily!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Clean Like A Chipmunk?

Summer means toys are played with more often and this means i am endlessly asking the kids to clean up way more than normal or just cleaning up the mess myself if they have already headed out to shoot some hoops or play with friends.  I went thru the boys room and completly cleaned it, as well as threw a bunch of stuff away.  Hopefully nothing the boys will notice missing.....I showed the boys their room and explained to them, for atleast the millionth time, that this is how it should always look when they are done playing in their room.  As always, they said, "okay Mom".  Later that afternoon Ty ran into his room to get something.  The "something" was not so easy for him to find.  I could hear him grumbling about not being able to find the "something".  I suppose it is easier to find your favorite toys when they are always laying on the floor, but to Ty's dismay everything had been put away in all the right places.  He had to actually open things!  I had all the leggos in small rubber maids for each thing that they made, with all the small rubbermaids in one large leggo rubbermaid, all the Star Wars guys were in a rubbermaid and so forth...Ty finally found what he was looking for and came out to where i was doing dishes and said, "Mom, you clean like Alvin the chipmunk! Everything was hidden away!" 

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