Summer Blog

I am trying something different this summer....i thought it would be easier to just do a separate blog for our family summer fun and than when school starts up i can send this blog to the printers and have our summer scrapbook all put together! Sooo, it may be boring to my fellow blogger friends, but it is primarily just a scrapbook in the making for our family! My Living In Oblivion blog will go back to primarily just being my life and I will be cancelling our Easysite, which is the family blogger and switching over to a blogger on here for our family adventures, that will be the Tag Along blog. I am also almost finished with a blog for Jorden, so anyone that wants to keep up with our soldier can do so quickly and easily!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Toooo many nights in a row up waaaay past midnight are finally starting to take a toll on me.....BUT, the fun with friends is always worth the lack of sleep!  It is sooo hard to go to bed early in the summer when it is sooo easy to sit outside with good friends or have friends over for fun and games that never end before midnight!  Tonight i am determined to get to bed before tomorow starts!  It has been raining non stop all day today, when it finally let up i put the dogs out for a quick potty break.  Jasper came back in as blonde and beautiful as ever and Leah, well, lets just say it took quite a while to find her face underneath all the mud she had caked on her! What a mess, no picture because we were trying to get out the door to the movies!  Finally got her clean enough to lock in her kennel and than we zipped out to see the highly anticipated movie, Kung Fu Panda 2!  The boys were excited!  Funny to think that Ty was 8 and Ryan was 7 when we saw the first one on Okinawa in 2008.  Time sure does goes fast!  The movie was not a disappointment.  Especially when we can get in, buy popcorn, soda's, hot dogs, pretzels, whatever each family member wants and still stay under $20!  Gotta love the movies on base!  When we got home tonight Ty and Ryan were doing their normal teasing of each other and Ty said, "Someday you will laugh about this....., but i am going to laugh today!"  and proceeded to laugh his head off at whatever was going on between him and Ryan.  Too tired to ask what was sooo funny, but glad i am hitting the pillows before 10 tonight!  I am exhausted!!!  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....... 


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