Summer Blog

I am trying something different this summer....i thought it would be easier to just do a separate blog for our family summer fun and than when school starts up i can send this blog to the printers and have our summer scrapbook all put together! Sooo, it may be boring to my fellow blogger friends, but it is primarily just a scrapbook in the making for our family! My Living In Oblivion blog will go back to primarily just being my life and I will be cancelling our Easysite, which is the family blogger and switching over to a blogger on here for our family adventures, that will be the Tag Along blog. I am also almost finished with a blog for Jorden, so anyone that wants to keep up with our soldier can do so quickly and easily!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Pose For Jorden

We were walking in the old historical downtown part of Wilmington in the beginning of summer when we came accross a giant skatebaord! I tried to get one of the boys to stand on it to send a picture to Jorden but they were all afraid of people looking at them!!!  Seriously? Like usual, Mom has to do everything!!!  I gave Ed my phone and had him take a picture of me on it....yeah, peeps were watching, but like am i really going to see any of them again?  Does it really matter that i am pretending to ride a skateboard that is really a bench?!!!  Silly boys.  And after i got off the "bench" other peeps started getting on it and doing poses too.....anyways, sent the pix to Jorden and he laughed, loved it, and knew exactly where i was!

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